Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tomie 2013

posted by Brook Gideon.

Here is my entry for the Tomie DePaola contest for 2013. I chose to work from The Yearling. I did my piece in linocut and watercolor on hot press watercolor paper.  It was fun to create and participate. As always, the Tomie awards are very random, he often chooses simple over complex and the styles he likes and the winners he chooses, he states they are "HIS" choices. Congratulations to the winner, Sandra Ure Griffin and the runners-up, Brent Beck, Anni Matsick, Bradley Cooper, Stephen Ingram, Sarah Dvojack, Alice Ratterree and Andrea K. Lawson!

Tomie does explain that black and white is very hard to master successfully. He stated that some actually used bits of color, a no-no, and others were very muddy in their execution. I agree and it is definitely something I would love to work more on perfecting!

You can certainly get a better ( and bigger) look at all the entries on the link Cheryl posted!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, and for listing the winners, Brook. Your piece has a nice, strong design that pulls me in.
